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ACG Equipment Leasing Logo

With equipment prices at an all time low and Uncle Sam picking up part of the tab, now may just be the best time ever to acquire new equipment. In recent months, American Bank Equipment Finance has helped many companies greet these opportunities with the financial resources needed to take advantage of them. If you are interested in finding out more about your financing options, contact us today for a personal consultation or apply online to see how easy financing can be. There is no fee to apply, and no obligation once approved.



Unlock greater access to money.

Be careful about using your bank. Lots of equipment financing can often get in the way of your ability to access working capital you need to keep the cash flowing. American Bank Equipment Finance offers companies of all kinds competitive financing that doesn’t interfere with your bank relationships.

Cash flow is the real MVP.

And financing is the best way to make sure you are maximizing it. Paying cash may be great for peace of mind, but not-so-great if you actually want to grow the business and make more money. Keep your cash and rely on the team at American Bank Equipment Finance to come up with a cash flow plan for all your equipment needs.

Uncle Sam wants you to buy it.

There is a wonderful provision in 2000 pages of tax code (Section 179) that give you a little motivation to get this deal done. By offering a tax credit for your equipment purchases up to certain limits, it actually makes this purchase even more affordable.


Leasing Advantages

  • Convenience/ease/flexibility
  • Conserves Working Capital
  • Preserves Bank Lines
  • 100% financing - Includes 10-15% soft costs
  • Tax Advantages
  • Low acquisition costs
  • Off balance sheet financing
  • Fixed payments for budgeting
  • Payment tailored to individual needs
  • Matches expenses against revenue
  • Minimal down payments
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